Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Old Hangtown"

Placerville was a real pleasant surprise. Apparently it is right in the middle of the goldfields and was a center during the goldrush. It was called Hangtown at the time and seems to be the town where" Justice" was carried out. There are several buildings that date back to the goldrush still in daily use. The Cozmic Cafe ( with wifi internet service ) actually fronts an old mine, so after you pick up your order you can go back and sit inside the mine. There are a bunch of alcoves with wicker furniture. Upstairs they have yoga classes and there is also a small bar with live music on the weekends!
Meanwhile, back at the campground there's a great pool where we swam, sunbathed and just hung out during the afternoon.
So far we have behaved ourselves and managed to avoid the noose.


Unknown said...

Don't get too hung up on these old towns!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are behaving even though I find that hard to believe!!!!!