Thursday, July 19, 2007

Division of Labor…YNP Pictures

Division of labor is a good thing. In terms of this blog, we learned early on that Barb should do the writing (with my input after the draft was done) and me taking the pictures and keeping all the batteries charged, etc. My early attempt at blog writing clearly illustrated how much I tend to go on and on and get caught up in too many details (“…the wonderful rare piece of tuna in my salad at the Washington, PA, upscale pub called the “Union Grill”…). But many of you already know that about me (HIT THE QUARTER, BILL!).

This system worked fine until after I took 90 pictures in Yellowstone and Will took even more. My camera batteries had died toward the end of the second day so I was planning on using Will’s pictures of the big waterfall at Yellowstone canyon. I loaded the 200 plus combined pictures onto my laptop and we found a good WIFI spot at a coffee shop in Cody, WY. While Barb wrote, I set out to find some pictures to use from this huge collection. I had picked about 28 good ones and was maybe half way through the lot when Barb said…”give me three pictures from Yellowstone to use for the blog”. This caused a sort of meltdown on my part and I found myself unable to get this done. I ended up just throwing eight random pictures on her flash drive and somehow we got out of Cody after Barb suggested that we do a later blog entry with many more of the Yellowstone pictures. So that is what this entry is…pictures from several days ago. I also plan to do an entry soon with many pictures from the Missoula whitewater raft trip if I can get them emailed to me from the professional photographer who took them.

Digital cameras are great, but too many pictures create LOTS of work. I have to learn to take fewer shots or something! I’ll work on that. -Bill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill -- there's a "delete" button on the camera, too!
enjoying your blog - you're still ahead of Scott - he's only in Seattle and turning East tomorrow (Friday), I think.
Great photos - but you're pretty close to that buffalo (or bison).
Hope you're getting some miles in - running not driving.