Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brentwood , CA

Hello again! We arrived in Brentwood , CA - home of Debbie Bordeaux - renowned entertainer from The Baja Road,(Ask Bill) on Tuesday afternoon. Soon the rest of the Baja group showed up and we have been hanging out, relaxing, and just generally catching up and smiling since then. All of this thanks to Debbie's wonderful hospitality and the various talents of the individuals in the group. Will and Heather arrive on Saturday. We hope you are all enjoying the summer so far. Take care.


cathy said...

So happy to be on your "blog" and see and hear about your adventures. Loved your comment Barb, "never to work again" What peace! Well deserved! KEEP ON TRUCKIN' cathy

Anonymous said...

from donna
sounds like you are living a dream
I am enjoying your blog...makes me feel like I am travelling as well.
I love the little cafe
say hi to will and greta

Anonymous said...

I'd like to meet this Debbie Bordeaux! Does she have a nice porch?